Ep. 25: ‘What matters most is audience’

Audience, not product. This has been the focus of Star Local Media President Rick Rogers since purchasing the DFW-area media company almost exactly 1 year ago. Rogers joins host Nick Parker for a look back at the past 12-months and his team’s efforts to turn around what was a struggling collection of 10 community newspapers. The secret, he says, has been focusing on audience and re-emphasizing the importance of community involvement.

Fredrick Reed

Storytelling is at the core of all endeavors. Every step forward involves the act of crafting and sending a message to convey a story and open a path to new relationships. At Fredrick Reed, we believe success depends on our ability to tell our stories in a manner attracting and engaging the desired audience. 


Episode 26: Thinking digital first means using all your content to tell the whole story


Ep. 24: The big brand unveil... and the story of how they got there