Ep. 22: Using data to create successful strategies

Successful strategies rely on more than just collecting the data and taking a look at the numbers on a dashboard. Developing a strategy that works means taking some time to identify your goals and what data will help you chart, and track, the path to reaching them. Digital architect and data guru Kyle Rickhoff, of AlignSimple, joins host Nick Parker for part 2 of our data series.

Fredrick Reed

Storytelling is at the core of all endeavors. Every step forward involves the act of crafting and sending a message to convey a story and open a path to new relationships. At Fredrick Reed, we believe success depends on our ability to tell our stories in a manner attracting and engaging the desired audience. 


Ep. 23: Using data to create successful strategies


Ep. 21: On data, what we can track and why?