Ep. 18: On audience + revenue

Let's be honest here. Most of us just aren't very good at selling our own news product to the audience. As an industry, we don't always do a good job bragging about the good work we do and the important role we play in our communities. But engaging our audience and clearly defining how we fit in their lives is essential to solving the ever-evasive dilemma of audience revenue. Bridget Sibthorp-Moecker, Director of Audience at TownNews, joins the show to talk about discovering and utilizing available tools to not only bring in audience, but keep them in the fold.

Fredrick Reed

Storytelling is at the core of all endeavors. Every step forward involves the act of crafting and sending a message to convey a story and open a path to new relationships. At Fredrick Reed, we believe success depends on our ability to tell our stories in a manner attracting and engaging the desired audience. 


Ep. 19: Rethinking sales, process and leadership


Ep. 17: The role of the watchdog