Act 53: For love of beer, burping and yeah, the mouth feel, too

We haven’t had guests in the studio is awhile, but YouTubers Two Blondes Drink Beer, Candi & Cara, brought it! Oh, and they also brought beer & swag! These BFF beer nerds talk beer on their show while judging the beers based on Beer Judge Certification Program (BJCP) guidelines. We talk about how they got into beer and how their show was created because of the pandemic. We get in on the act by judging mystery beers. Hilarity ensues. It’s fairly obvious Nick & Nigel aren’t beer judges, but they do have opinions!

Beers consumed and "judged": Schneider Weisse, Aventinus Wheat Dopplebock Ale; ExBEERiment Brewing, Synthesis German Pilsner; Limitless Brewing, Pineapple, OJ, Mango, & Rum Cake Cream Ale; Melvin Eureka Brewing, Night Visions Vanilla Latte; & TRVE Brewing, Dunwich Porter.

Fredrick Reed

Storytelling is at the core of all endeavors. Every step forward involves the act of crafting and sending a message to convey a story and open a path to new relationships. At Fredrick Reed, we believe success depends on our ability to tell our stories in a manner attracting and engaging the desired audience. 


Act 54: Occasional brewer; situational drinker


Act 52: Road trips & business plans