Act 43: Yo, pass the hops!

We actually found someone, like Nigel, who has 50-11 (that’s a shit ton) things going. Act 43 brings beer influencer, assistant brewer, podcaster, beertender and brewery bus tour guide (just to name a few), James Higgs aka Pass the Hops to the show. We talk the Rocherster, MN beer scene, how he became big time on the Insta and how he wants to help the craft beer evolve.

Drinking beers: Finback Brewing; New Image Brewing — Blood Orange Witbier; & Vision Quest Brewing — There's a cake in my boot. Mystery Beers: BKS Brewing — Clouds; & Hailstorm Brewing — Nilla Fluffer Nanner Nutter.

Fredrick Reed

Storytelling is at the core of all endeavors. Every step forward involves the act of crafting and sending a message to convey a story and open a path to new relationships. At Fredrick Reed, we believe success depends on our ability to tell our stories in a manner attracting and engaging the desired audience. 


Act 44: He’s the sauce guy; He doesn’t drink; but he knows his damn sauce


Act 42: First comes name; then comes beer